The Last line of Defence

As The war continues, drastic times calls for drastic measures, when the enemy gets too close to your home base, a "Last line of Defence" is put into action, all of the best of the best is here to prevent the further penetration of the enemy onto your base, which is likely happening now, its not a war, its most likely...

My lovelife, as it is like a battlefield for me, wherein victory is not an option, where I need to do whatever it takes to survive, slowly, it feeds of the life out of me, making me a more fragile person, luckily my "mask" can hide off this "war" inside of me. but my mask is getting weaker and weaker.

As I thought all hope is lost, a troup came in with a blinding light, it was my last line of defence, My Friends, I could'nt beleive that I would react in such a way towards my friends, their really fending off the feeling thats been corrupting me, I thank them sincerely from the bottom of my.. umm.. hypotalamus :)

They really helped me alot, even though they dont know what im going through right now, they help me forgot, I've totally forgotten about her on that time, I can't thank my friends enough, if this keeps up, I may win the war.

"Who am I kidding, I might've won the battle, but not the war"


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